A guide to birthstones to add that special touch for your special someone...
January - Garnet
From Ancient Egyptians to the Romans, the Garnet has adorned leaders and royalty for thousands of years. Garnets come in several different colours and species, the chosen colour for January is a stunning deep blood red.
February - Amethyst
The name Amethyst comes from the ancient Greek a-méthystos ("not intoxicated"), they wore these gem stones in the belief that it would prevent drunkenness. The Amethyst is a violet coloured species of Quartz.
March - Aquamarine
Aquamarina, the Latin for "water of the sea" is a blue or cyan variety of Beryl coloured like a tropical ocean. Mostly found in Brazil.
April - Diamond
Diamond, from the word 'Adamant' in Latin meaning 'unbreakable', is one of the most famous precious materials on Earth, but that fame doesn't mean abundance. These billion year old Carbon structures are rare and are only found several miles beneath the surface of the earth. The yield of these precious stones is extremely low meaning costs to find them is very high.
May - Emerald
Part of 'The Big Four' in the most precious gem stones (along with Diamonds, Sapphires and Rubies), this gorgeous green stone is a variety of beryl found all over the world. The Emerald is seen to possess many powers including finding truth and love.
June - Alexandrite
“Emerald by day, Ruby by night”. Alexandrite is a rare colour-changing variety of chrysoberyl that is green in daylight and red under artificial light. This exceptionally rare and valuable gemstone is rarer than Diamond.
July - Ruby
Ruby, from the Latin 'Ruben' meaning 'Red', is a pink to blood-red coloured gemstone. Part of 'The Big Four' in the most precious gem stones (along with Diamonds, Sapphires and Emeralds), this stone is associated with beauty and wisdom.
August - Peridot
The chosen gemstone to adorn the Ancient Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, the Peridot is known to 'ward off evil'. This lesser known gem, commonly mistaken for an Emerald, has a stunning light olive green colour.
September - Sapphire
The blue sister of Rubies and part of 'The Big Four' in the most precious gem stones (along with Diamonds, Emeralds and Rubies), Sapphires are typically blue in colour, but come in many more hues. These extremely hard stones are associated with faithfulness.
October - Opal
A very unique gemstone with high water content (3 to 21% depending on weight). Bringing 'happiness' and 'confidence' to the wearer, this stunning stone has flecks of light and colour that create the effect of water ripples in sunlight.
November - Topaz
Believed to have been blessed by the Ancient Egyptian God of Sun Ra, the Topaz has a stunning golden sun glow. This special gemstone has many powers including preventing sadness and increasing strength.
December - Tanzanite
Occasionally mistaken for Sapphire, this gemstone has a slightly more purple appearance and is only found in Northern Tanzania. Hundreds of millions of years old, naturally formed Tanzanite is extremely rare.